Loan Privileges to Faculty
(a ) Members of Faculties                               … 8 books
(b) Temporary Lecturers                                …  2 books
(c ) Lecturers as Guest faculty                        … 2 books
(d) Non-Teaching Staff                                    …2 books
Conditions of Loan
Period of Loan
(i)        Members of Faculty, Professors, Lecturers & Teachers …One Month
(ii)       Temporary Lecturers                                   … One Month
(iii)      Lecturers in Guest faculty                           … 14 days
(iv )     Non-Teaching Staff                                      …14 days
(a)  Loss of Books

  1. The books reported to have been lost shall be either replaced by the latest edition along with additional charge of Rs. 50 per volume as cost of binding wherever applicable plus Rs. 50 per volume as service charges. OR paid for at the price available in the latest catalogs/tools plus 10 per cent of the price as service charges.
  2. In case the book is out of print or rare and its latest price is not available, the Librarian will decide the amount to be charged.
  3. In case of Rare and Reference books which are either out of print or not readily available in the market, the amount to be charged can be five to ten times the cost of the book. In such cases the cost to be charged will be fixed by the Principal on the recommendations of the Librarian.

(b) Renewal of books
The loan of a book may be renewed at the discretion of the Librarian, if it is not in demand.
(c) Over dues
An overdue charge of Re. 1/- per volume per day will be levied if a book is kept beyond the permissible period of loan. But for books issued for overnight use the rate of overdue charges will be Re.1 per volume per hour. Normal period for loan for such book will be from the hour before the closing of the library to one hour after the library opens on the next working day. These overdue charges may be remitted, in special cases, at the discretion of the Librarian.  In case a member does not pay the delay fine, the Librarian is authorized to detain his/her Reader’s Ticket/Pass Book till the amount is cleared.
In case of college Teachers the books drawn by them and falling due during the vacations can be returned within 2 days after the expiry of vacation without any overdue charges.
(d) The Librarian is empowered to recall any book at any time if necessity arises.
(e) Manuscripts, reference books and rare books are placed in restricted category and are not to be lent out except in very special cases where the rule may be relaxed on the recommendation of the H.O.D./Principal and at the discretion of the Librarian.
(f) Bound volumes of the periodicals and certain books kept in the reserved category may be issued to teachers and students, in special cases, for a period of one week only.
(g) Books which are out of print and a textbook will not be issued except on Inter-Library loan. If there are additional copies of the textbooks other than the reserved ones, the same will be made available for issue as per general rules of the Library.
(h) Books lost or damaged will be replaced or paid for to the satisfaction of the Librarian. No marking or writing on or tracing from any library material is permitted. Any infringement of the above may require replacement of the book, and other reading material including audio-visual aids. For a serious mutilation of a book or a periodical, a fine of up to Rs.100 may also be imposed by the Librarian in consultation with the H.O.D/Principal of the college.
(v) Issue-System
Reader’s Ticket shall be given at the time of getting the books issued and the identity card shown. The tickets will be returned to the reader when he returns the books. All members will be issued membership pass books at the time of enrollment.
For books of ‘Reserved Books Section’ student entitled to borrow them and shall obtain a special token ticket to be used along with the Reader’s Ticket.
(vi)  Admission to the library
Admission to the library shall be open to the members only. Private books and personal belongings should be deposited at the Property Counter and a token obtained in lieu thereof. The articles so deposited should be collected the same day failing which five rupees per token will be charged. In case a token is lost, ten rupees will be charged in lieu thereof.
(vii) Cards and Tickets are not transferable.
Special care should be taken to ensure that the Identity Card and Reader’s Tickets are not misplaced or lost. All losses shall be reported immediately to the Librarian. When an Identity Card is lost together with a Readers’ Ticket, a special security of Rs. 200 will be required to be said along with the charges for loss of tickets and identity card.
The special security shall be refundable on claim, after the expiry of the academic year.
If a member loses his Identity Card/Readers’ Ticket/Pass Book, duplicate may be issued on payment of fee as under:
Identity Card                … Rs. 25
Reader’s Ticket          …   Rs. 5
Pass Book                  …   Rs. 20
The member, however, will continue to be responsible for any loss which the library may suffer through the loss or misuse of his/her card or ticket.
(viii) Clearance Certificate
The Identity Card and the Reader’s Ticket/Pass Book are the property of the Library and shall be returned; dues, if any, shall be paid and a Clearance Certificate obtained before a University Examination or before the person concerned leaves the Institution concerned permanently.
The Library Security will be refunded after one month of the return of books and tickets in possession of the member and payment of over dues, if any. The application for refund is to be filled on the prescribed form addressed to the Principal, who is empowered to refund the security.
If after due notice a borrower does not withdraw his deposit or claim it for three years from the last date of operation, the deposit or balance thereof shall be treated as dead account and shall lapse.
(ix) Change of address, etc.
Members should keep the Library informed of any change of address, change of college, class or subject of study during the period of membership.
(x) Any misuse of the Library privilege shall be considered as a breach of discipline and the Librarian shall have power to take such action as he considers necessary after consulting the H.O.D/ Principal of the college.
Borrowing & Circulation
This section represents the hub of library activities where lending out of books to readers is facilitated.  Of all the library activities, the circulation of books for home use is a major public service provided by the library. Nearly all the members of the library visit this section for getting books on loan for home use at one or the other time.
In the circulation Section various functions are undertaken viz. Registration of new members, lending of books, reminders for overdue books, reservation of books, renewal of membership cards, records and files, statistics and inter library loans etc.

March 2025