Library Rules and Regulations

1. General Rules

  • All library members must present valid identification upon request.
  • Using another member’s borrower ticket is strictly prohibited.
  • Outerwear, briefcases, handbags, files, umbrellas, and similar items must be deposited at the designated checkpoint before entering the library.
  • Silence must be maintained at all times in the library.
  • Misplacing a book makes it temporarily unavailable to others. Books taken from open shelves should be left on the nearest table to prevent misplacement.
  • Library users are responsible for keeping materials in good condition. Any damaged, defective, or lost material must be replaced, or the borrower will charge the cost.

2. Borrowing Rules

  • Each member is allowed to borrow two books for fourteen (14) days.
  • A late return will incur a fine of ₹1 per day for each overdue book.
  • All library materials must be borrowed using the borrower’s card.
  • Borrowers should check the physical condition of books before borrowing them.
  • Borrowers are responsible for any damage or loss of books.
  • Loss of a book will be charged as per Panjab University norms.

3. Library Do’s and Don’ts


✅ Carry your library card whenever visiting the library.
✅ Keep your mobile phone switched off inside the library.
✅ Deposit bags, umbrellas, and other belongings at the Security Counter and collect a token.
✅ Use the “Group Study Area” if you need to study in a group.
✅ Leave consulted books on the nearest table instead of reshelving them.
✅ Present library materials at the checkpoint when exiting the library.
✅ Leave the library 10 minutes before closing time to allow staff to close on time.


❌ Do not ignore any instance of library material being damaged. Report such cases to the Users’ Assistance Desk immediately.
❌ Do not damage, mark, or tear any library material.
❌ Do not talk in designated silence zones.
❌ Do not bring or consume food inside the library.
❌ Do not attempt to reshelve books—misplaced books are effectively lost.
❌ Do not smoke inside the library premises. The entire library building is a no-smoking zone.