Library Sections:
GCCBA Library has been divided into different sections for its smooth functioning:
1. Acquisition Section: This section is mainly responsible for acquisition of books. This section procures the documents by the following process: At first, the library collects the recommendation from faculty members reviewed by Library Advisory Committee. Based on the recommendation, the library interacts and places order with selected vendors. Then, the books are accessioned in this section and transferred to the Technical Processing Section for cataloging, classification and indexing & database entry.
2. Technical Processing Section: This section is mainly responsible for processing of procured books and acts as a bridge between Acquisition and Circulation Section. This section classifies the documents, catalogs then and finally sends these books for display in the racks.
3. Circulation Section: This section is mainly responsible for circulation of documents to the users of the library. This section acts as a bridge between users and books. The following tasks are performed by this section:
- Membership Registration
- Issue/Return
- Reserve/Renewal
- Issue No Dues Certificate
- Overdue Fine Collection
- Alert Services such as overdue, collect notice etc.
4. Periodical Section: This section is mainly responsible for procurement of print journals and e-resources (abstract & full text). E-Resource includes the Full Text Databases and Abstract/Citation Databases.
The following tasks are performed by this section:
- Print Journals Subscription
- E-Resources subscription
5. Reference Section: This section is mainly responsible for keeping reference books in different stacks of the Library subject-wise.
6. Text Book Section: This section manages text books in different stacks of the library subject-wise.
7. Digital Section: This section contains 15 nos. of PCs at present and is mainly used by the users for accessing e-resources of the library.
8. Newspaper Section: This section is adjacent to the circulation section and is mainly responsible for the management of newspapers subscribed by the library.